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LALA BYE Anthology 2nd  edition audio



This edition of LALA BYE Anthology is dedicated to relationships.  You, I’m sure would think of only the ones reflective of being in a loving relationship meaning in marriage, boyfriend/ girlfriend, as well as gay couples male and female . But no, it also has those that reflect parent/child, neighbors, siblings, co-workers and friendships,  friendships are long lasting and short at times and end for whatever reason.  As we grow into self at some point we begin to realize that people come into each other’s lives for however short or however long.  The length of time is determined by whatever message or lesson it is we are to get from that encounter.  It could be from a short hello as walking down the street even a wave, a simple smile.  Do you know brief moments such as I just mentioned have been known to save another’s life, just from a simple smile or one saying ,,,isn’t it a beautiful day? And the person in distress just happened to look out and see that the day was beautiful and for some reason not as dismal as it seemed and suddenly they’re whole mindset did a 160 from feeling suicidal to wanting to live again and began to appreciate things and people around then.  Mind you all this from a total stranger, homeless at that, the one person you might think would have the worst outlook on life and they saved another's without even knowing it. Also how a son even pays tribute to his father after he passes by telling everyone how much he cared for him and what all he gave his son.  Showing it doesn’t just happen in the movies it is real life.


Relationship: noun 1. Way in which things are connected. The way in which two or more people or things are connected with or involve each other. between; There is a close relationship between poverty and crime. 2. People’s behavior toward each other. the way in which two or more people or groups behave toward and are involved with each other    the doctor-patient relationship 2a. long sexual or romantic relationship. A sexual or romantic relationship, especially one that continues for a long time Jack’s job put a lot of strain on their relationship.


So as you read through these life stories consider some of the ones you have encountered throughout your life so far and see if any possibly remind you of something similar to one you have dealt with or presently going through and maybe just maybe it will enlighten you on a different approach as to the way you handle yours.  Which, in total honesty could be a good thing. 


Take a moment and have an open mind as you weave through these individual’s lives as they go about it the best way they know how.  Whether the outcome is good or bad it just is because it is how they chose to live their life.


Life is what you make it for some it seems well not so great when for others it’s just the best thing since chocolate.

Comfort Zone - Davyd McCoy
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