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LALA BYE Anthology 3rd  edition



LALA Bye Anthology is about different people living in the southern California area though very well could be anywhere in the U.S. who for whatever reason have come into situations which had them sent to the jail system even prison in his or her life.  Whether it be from sex, drugs, alcohol, weapons, robbery and so on.  The occurrence happening has had a profound effect on you and the family or close friends.  But most definitely you because you lived it from the inside longing to get out and be free, yet again. 


The stories surround individuals, which have had an importance here on earth and a need to share their life in such a way that it will help you understand life as we know it but from the inner wall or bars of the penal system.  Hopefully from reading these stories you may find that someone you know or even yourself perhaps may have had or is having some of these same experiences.  You might want to think about how you want to deal with it or wish you had dealt with it differently.  As you may have learned…timing is everything. 



Yes this book is primarily giving the thoughts and situations arisen from being physically behind bars in the jail system.  But what about those who may not be behind bars confined from the outside world, meaning those individuals who harbor  the past from their lives that hold on to some of the negative acts that had happened to them in growing up.  Such as from being molested and scared from possibly having a happy relationship with someone for being embarrassed to even let that truth come out possibly because they feel no one will believe them or those that had such a rough childhood being raised by parents that were so mean they were kept locked behind closet doors or a basement and so on.  Those memories are so traumatic creating  walls for some that may never come down.  Needless to say these individuals have minimal if any memory of how wonderful life could have been or be now.  Those very walls for them are just as confining as the jailhouse bars,,,so this is the life I have ahead of me… is there a light at the end of the tunnel, not for me, I don’t see it…if I could only be free…


No doubt it had to have been a negative situation and there is time to change the negative affect it has had upon your life as long as you are willing and have an open mind and heart.  But if not it is important to pray on it and God will help you through it. Your higher power is here for you and I, no matter what will bring us through it!  Remember as you pray just not for help/guidance through this but thank your higher power for what positive things have been given you thus far just not with another open hand.


So as reading these consider your very own thoughts and wonder might you feel the same while kept from the outside but behind bars living a life of… if I could only be free again.


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